Properly installed, well maintained, switch point guards are valuable maintenance aids and safety accessories. They extend the service life of costly switch points by deflecting the train wheels away from the vulnerable switch point tip. This same deflecting action enhances safety by helping to prevent a worn wheel flange from "picking the point" and causing a derailment. The reinforcement of the track structure that is achieved with the use of a switch point guard both lengthens the service life of the switch components and reduces the possibility of track spreading, or roll-over of the rail. Our Model FM Switch Point Guard provides all of these basics, plus an array of unique features that gives it longer sevice life, enhanced maintainability and an installation that is stronger and more reliable in-track. Switch Point Guards Can Extend the Service Life of Costly Switch Points by Deflecting the Train Wheels Away From the Vulnerable Switch Point Tip. This same deflecting action enhances safety by helping to prevent a worn wheel flange from "picking the point" and causing a derailment. The reinforcement of the track structure that is achieved with the use of a switch point guard both lengthens the service life of the switch components and re- duces the possibility of track spreading, or roll-over of the rail.